Monday, June 5, 2017

Low Carb Single Serve English Muffin

Hey everyone.  I know I haven't been around in a while but Im back and seeking out new recipes to share with you.  Today I have a single serve english muffin you can make in your microwave that is a fraction of the carbs and much higher protein than store-bought.  This is also my second  time working with Clarified Butter (also called Ghee), which is said to be a "better fat" and offers better dietary benefits for people.

If you like the dishes shown in this entry they are art of the Tara At Home line which is available through independent consultants like myself.  You can shop my website here.

Low Carb Single Serve English Muffin

Servings: 1 muffins
Total cooking time: 2 minutes

  • 3 tbsp Almond flour
  • 1/2 tbsp Coconut flour
  • 1 tbsp Butter (or ghee)
  • 1/4 cup Egg substitute (equivalent of one large egg)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

  1. Melt ghee (or butter) in a microwave safe ramekin or other container, about 4" in diameter with a flat bottom. This takes about 30 seconds.
    Ghee when melted looks like a smokey oil
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir until well combined. Let sit for a minute to allow the mixture to thicken.
    Mixture will resemble a
    runny batter similar to cornbread.
  3. Microwave for about 90 seconds, until firm. 
    Finished baking
  4. Run a knife along the edge (if needed) and flip over a plate to release. (Side Note: the Tara At Home stoneware is naturally nonstick so I didn't need to run a knife around.  I flipped the Rammie over and the muffin came right out.)
  5. Slice in half, then toast in the toaster.
  6. Top however you choose and enjoy!
    I topped mine with some high protein peanut spread by P28.

    Nutritional Information:
    Calories: 324
    Fat: 27 grams
    Carbs: 9 grams
    Sugar: 1 grams
    Protein: 12 grams