About Me

Fall of 1979 marked my entrance to the world in Baltimore Maryland. Spending the first few years of my life in Baltimore my parents moved us to Harford county when I was about 8. I stayed in Harford County through adulthood until I packed up and followed my partner to Raleigh, North Carolina during the fall season of 2003.

I greatly enjoy the life I have been able to create for myself and my partner of now going on fifteen years, but enjoy any opportunity to return to my home state. And who knows, one day I may find myself returning there completely. I have a Beagle named Sirius and Cockatiel named Hedwig. Can anyone guess what my favorite book series is? I have many varied interest and enjoy spending time with my friends.

Like many I have struggled with weight issues through most of my adulthood. I tried so many different diets and fads from Weight Watchers, to diet pills, and I even explored going plant-based (Vegan-ish) for a year. I would have many mini successes but the weight would inevitably come back over time. In 2014 my partner and I started exploring the idea of me having weight loss surgery.

In July I met with a surgeon at Bariatric Specialist of North Carolina and started the long pre work process to have a new weight loss procedure called SIPS. On December 17th 2014 I finally had the procedure and my life changed completely! The weight immediately started falling off as I learned a new way of living. I knew I had finally found what was going to work for me because I finally had what I was missing during all my previous dietary trials. For once I felt comfortable in my body. I wanted a way to share my journey and success so I decided to make this blog. I hope you enjoy as I share the tips, tools, and recipes that have helped me stay on track in my life after SIPS!

1 comment:

  1. Chris, you are awesome! I look forward to trying your recipes! Love the almond flour substitute! Keep up the GREAT work!
    Teri Muncy
