My Progress Album

     A friend asked me when I was going to add a picture blog of myself so I could show my progress. Well this page is going to be a work in progress but I will continue to work on it!

Here I am at my heaviest right before surgery.  A crazy sickening and unhealthy 397 pounds.  At this point my surgery was finalized and scheduled for 11 days later.

One month, and a few days, later.  This was also 24 days after my surgery on December 17th 2014.  At this point I had dropped down to 316 and was down 81 pounds.

Happy St Patricks Day!  At this point I was down to 283 Pounds and down 114 Pounds.

While at work I passed a buletin board that had a picture of me on it from roughly the same time the previous year or maybe sooner.  I couldn't believe the difference. At this point I had dropped down to 268 and was down 129 pounds from my pre-op weight.

Just got back from vacationing and visiting family in MD.  They were very excited to see the new improved me!  At this point I was down to 255 and a total loss of 142 Pounds.  I was getting dressed for he day I decided to pull a shirt out from deeper in my closet and it actually fit.  At my heaviest I was wearing a 4XL and this was a XL!!  My shorts also at this point were 6" smaller than my heaviest in December.  I had dropped from a 44" waist to a 38" waist.  And there are even times where I can feel that size slipping off of me!


So looking at my past blogs and statuses the 17th of each month seems to be when I do a photo update on myself and my progress. The left picture is me at my heaviest back in December before surgery (397 Lbs, 4XL shirt, 44" width pants). At this point I was down to 239 and a total loss of 158 pounds.  Im now able to more comfortably wear XL shirts, and as of last night 36" width pants!

**My favorite part is you can tell I'm wearing a belt and not just assume I am LOL

So Im a few days late with update pictures. but its been a busy week.  I had my six month post op follow up with BSNC and they were amazed with my progress.  Sadly I didn't get to see Dr Enoch (The surgeon that did my operation) but his PA Will said that I definitely had my head wrapped around this whole thing.

At this point I am down to 227 pounds and a total loss of 170 pounds from my heaviest point (397) in December before surgery.  At this point my BMI has finally shifted out of the obese range and into the overweight range.  Humor was always my defense mechanism when it came to my weight/image and I guess old habits die hard because I've been joking saying "Ive never been so excited to say I'm overweight!"


I think this picture was done at a bad angel!  Regardless, at this point I'm down to 220 pounds and a total weight loss of 177 pounds.  Im wearing a size L shirt in this pic but depending on the cut Im wearing both L & XL.  My work pants are a size 36" which is 5 sizes and 10" smaller than my heaviest.  They are starting to feel rather baggy so I'm about to try some one size smaller!


One month later.  Im now down to 212 pounds and a total weight loss of 186 pounds.  My pants dropped another size.  I was surprised to find that 34" jeans fit me.  Im starting to really notice a slow down in the amount of weight I'm loosing but its still dropping!

Yeah This one is a little late.  I had plateaued and maintained the same weight since my last picture comparison.  I wasn't going to share this pic at first and then I remembered how important this picture was to me.  The was the first Halloween where I felt I was able to enjoy the holiday in a costume that wasn't the generic phantom or toga party costume made available for plus size gentlemen.


December 1st was my one year post op appointment.  My amazing surgeon, Dr. Enochs was beyond thrilled with my process.  Thats him standing to the right of me.  I don't think I can ever thank this man enough for the path he started me on.


Im starting to really plateau here.  Im starting to fluctuate around the same 2 pounds give or take.  At this point I've lost 196 pounds.  Im just a few pounds shy of loosing 200 and a few pounds shy of entering what many call Onederland, an expression used for people whose weight is 199 and under.  Im about 16 pounds away from my goal to at least be at the top of the range where my BMI is considered normal.  Im ecstatic though with my progress.  I am however ready for the warm weather so I can start riding my bike more again.  I am extremely confident that once I start doing that again Ill see the weight drop off more.


  1. Love the picture blog! So glad you put it up. Shows some great changes! Hugs Chris--Patti

  2. Yippie! Love the pics, Chris. I look forward to your self bound book that makes it to Barnes and Noble that includes You pics plus food pics. Great inspiration for others going through the same.--Patti

  3. Chris, you are an inspiration!!!! Hubby just had his surgery on 7/21/15 and I am waiting on approval for mine. :) Hugs and prayers from Houston! Teri Muncy
