Sunday, June 28, 2015

Thoughts on progress. Entry No. 1

     This may become a ongoing part of my blog but I decided to take a moment and talk about my thoughts regarding my progress as well as concerns I am facing that I think is important for anyone on a weight loss journey.  Yeah I wanted my blog to be nothing but fun and excitement but I thin some serious moments are needed as well.

     So the other day I decided to reach into the depths of my closet and try on a pair of 36" width shorts I had purchased years back when I thought I could use it as motivation to loose weight.  To my surprise they fit quite comfortably! This past Friday was my weekly weigh in day and I had finally crossed into the 230s.  I think the last time I was in the 230s was 2009/2010. On a recent bike ride I tried on a new workout outfit and learned that a XL shirt and L shorts fit comfortably.  Sometimes I find myself in disbelief that I have lost almost 160 pounds and that my shirts have gone down three sizes and my pants now 5 sizes.

     My mind has really been focusing on the fact that I am in the 230s.  Like I said the last time I was in the 230s was around 2009/2010.  As my weight has always been a struggle for me from my teens till today the last time I can remember being in the 230s or lighter was 1999/2000 when I was 20/21.  Since I've never seemed to be able to maintain that weight or surpass it I have a nagging fear in the back of my head that I could easily hit relapse again and balloon back to a heavier weight as I have numerous times before.  I have also been observant of the fact that I know quite a few people that have had weight loss surgery at different stages of their life and have since gained some of that weight back.  I also know of a few people that had weight loss surgery around the same time I did and have lost a fraction of the weight that I have.  I consider myself very fortunate and in retrospect have had a re-understanding of the following  and would like to share it.

1) I, as well as anyone else on a weigh loss journey, must continue to work hard on this if I want to maintain my progress and success!

  • If I wish to continue with my progress and success I must continue to put the work and effort into it.  That means watching what I eat, recording it in a diary, and must put in the time to be physically active.  Im glad Ive learned to enjoy riding a bike down the trail located near me but I also need to start making sure I find other things like going to the gym. This is especially important since there have been rainy days lately, and the bike I was using is currently being repaired.  That has easily become my excuse for not getting my physical activity in.

2) Weight loss surgery is not a quick fix!

  •  I never thought this to begin with.  However I feel its important to remember this, as well as point it out for anybody contemplating having weight loss surgery!  Weight loss surgery is a tool, short and simple.  This tool helped me get where I am today and I need to remember, as I push towards my goal, that this is a one time only tool.  If I mess up and return to my care free sedentary lifestyle all my progress could be for nothing and there is no second surgery they can go in to do this all again!

Bacon Cheeseburger Pie

     I have not made many blog post this month at all and Im sorry for that!  That being said I decided to modify another recipe I came across to come up with a delicious dinner that can easily translate into lunches for later in the week.  Hope you enjoy!

Bacon Cheeseburger Pie
Servings: 8
Total Cooking/Baking Time: 30 Minutes
This recipe is modified from the original recipe "Cheeseburger Pie" found here.

  • 1 Pound Extra Lean Ground Beef
  • 1 Medium Sweet Onion, Diced
  • 5 Slices Pre-cooked Bacon
  • 1/4 Cup Ketchup
  • 2 Tablespoons Yellow Mustard
  • 1/3 Cup Baking Mix
  • 1 Cup Milk (I used 2%)
  • 1/2 Cup Egg Substitute (or 2 large eggs)
  • 8 Ounces Cheddar Jack Cheese, Shredded
Special Ingredient Notes:
  • As I always say with cheese, it is cheaper and healthier to buy the cheese as a block and shred or cut it yourself.  Pre-shredded cheese  may be a time saver but it has extra preservatives.
  1. Preheat oven to 400°. 
  2. Spray 9 inch pie plate with cooking spray.
  3. Cook the ground beef over medium high heat for 5 to 7 minutes until brown throughout. 

  4. Add the onions and bacon and cook an additional 2 to 3 minutes, until tender. 
  5. Drain off as much of the fat as possible.
  6. Add ketchup and mustard to meat and mix thoroughly. 
  7. Spoon meat mixture into the prepared pie plate and spread out as evenly as possible.
  8. Add baking mix, milk, and egg substitute in a small bowl and whisk until blended.
  9. Stir in the cheese. 
  10. Pour over the meat mixture in pie plate. 
  11. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until knife inserted in center comes out clean and top has browned.
  12. Cut into wedges and enjoy.
Nutritional Information Per Serving (1/8th of pie):
Calories: 260
Fat: 14 Grams
Carbs: 10 Grams
Protein: 22 Grams
Created using MyFitnessPal

Monday, June 8, 2015

Personal Wonton Taco Cups

  I loved how the lasagna cups turned out and have been thinking of new ways I could modify the recipe.  I decided it was time for a Taco themed dinner and came up with this recipe.  One of the things I love best about this recipe is that it easily packs up for future meals away from home like work!

Personal Wonton Taco Cups
Servings: 12
Total Cooking/Baking Time: 20 Minutes

  • 15 Ounces Whole Milk Ricotta Cheese
  • 4 Ounces 1/3 Less Fat Cream Cheese
  • 1 Tablespoon + 3 Tablespoons Taco Seasoning
  • 1 Tablespoon + 12 Tablespoons Taco Sauce
  • 1/4 Cup Egg Substitute (Equivalent Of 1 Large Egg)
  • 1 Pound 96% Lean Ground Beef
  • 8 Ounces Colby Jack Cheese Shredded 

Special Ingredient Notes:
  • As I always say with cheese, it is cheaper and healthier to buy the cheese as a block and shred or cut it yourself.  Pre-shredded cheese  may be a time saver but it has extra preservatives.
  • My initial instinct with the Ricotta was to reach for part-skim.  After looking at the nutritional labels I was surprised to learn that where as part skim may have a slightly lower fat content the whole milk variety has a lower sugar and carb count.

  1. Preheat oven to 375ºF
  2. Combine the Ricotta, Cream Cheese, Egg Substitute, 1 Tablespoon Taco Seasoning, & 1 Tablespoon Taco Sauce in a bowl and set aside.
  3. Brown the ground beef, drain, and set aside.
  4. Stir in the remaining Taco Seasoning with the Ground Beef until thoroughly mixed.
  5. Spray 12 texas muffin style muffin cups with cooking spray.
  6. In each cup place two wonton wrappers and press firmly onto bottom and against sides of each cup.
  7. Divide the ground beef evenly amongst the 12 muffin cups (Roughly 1 1/2 Tablespoons per cup).
  8. Place 1 Tablespoon of Taco Sauce on top of the ground beef.
  9. Top each cup with another wonton wrapper and press down. (I found that a measuring cup worked great for this).
  10. Divide the cheese mixture evenly amongst the 12 muffin cups (Roughly 2 Tablespoons per cup).
  11. Divide the colby jack evenly amongst the 12 muffin cups (Roughly 1 1/2 Tablespoons per cup).
  12. Bake for 20 minutes.
  13. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before serving. (I found that allowing them to cool for a bit made it easier to remove from the pans)

    Nutritional Information Per Serving:
    Calories: 278
    Fat: 14.8 Grams
    Carbs: 15.4 Grams
    Protein: 18.1 Grams
    Created using the MyFitnessPal App