Friday, November 6, 2015

Plateaus and Motivation

This one is taken directly from my Facebook status this morning.

     You know sometimes it funny how you'll get exactly what you need.

     I haven't posted a weight loss update for a few weeks now because I have plateaued and have been staying right between the same three pounds.  I wasn't upset with myself.  Im very proud of my progress and work.  Im 90% to my goal weight.  I have roughly 20 pounds more that I would like to loose.  I remember being told that the final pounds would be the hardest to loose.  I wasn't feeling depressed over it.  It was more just like a "UGH REALLY?!?!?!?" feeling.
     Then this morning while walking Sirius I ran into one of the other beagle parents in the neighborhood.  We hadn't spoke directly in a while and this morning she said "Oh my god you've changed I didn't even recognize you till I saw Sirius.  You look amazing"!  I explained I had bariatric surgery in December (A fact about myself that I hide from no-one) and she congratulated me and wished me continued success with my hard work.

     I don't know why but that little conversation was exactly what I needed this morning!