Saturday, January 9, 2016

Four Ingredient Protein Brownies

I came across this recipe on one of my Pinterest searches for recipes that were high in protein and low in carbs.

Four Ingredient Protein Brownies

Servings: 18 Individual Brownies
Total cooking time: Aprox. 20-25  minutes

  • 3 Medium Bananas
  • 3 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
  • ½ Cup Peanut Butter
  • 2 Scoops Protein Powder (For this recipe I used Body Fortress: Chocolate Peanut Butter protein powder as it was what I had readily available)

  1. Preheat the oven the 350 degrees, grease a pan and set aside In this instance I used a perfect brownie pan for serving purposes.
  2. In a small microwave-safe bowl or stovetop, melt the Peanut Butter.  In my microwave it took approximately 2 minutes.
  3. In a food processor, combine the bananas, cocoa powder, protein powder and peanut butter until smooth.
  4. Pour the mixture into the greased pan and bake for around 25 minutes or until cooked through. 

  5. Allow to cool before removing divider for perfect portions.

    Nutritional Information:
    Calories: 70
    Fat: 4 grams
    Carbs: 7 grams
    Protein: 4
    created using

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year, New Goals, New Tools!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

2015 was an amazing year and I am very proud of the progress I have made. I lost roughly 190 pounds since my surgery in December of 2014.  I saw myself become a more active person who actually loved getting dressed and clothes shopping.  I went from wearing a 4XL shirt to a L shirt and went from wearing a 46" waist pants to a 34" waist. I also started this blog, as a resource for myself as well as others.
Me at my heaviest in December 2014 right before surgery
Me at my one year post surgery checkup with my amazing surgeon, Dr Enoch

Now 2016 is here and it's time for some new and updated goals as well as a renewed focus on creating and maintaining the healthier and happier me!  I also got a new tool to use this year on my journey!

My 2016 Goals:

  • Loose 20 pounds:  I have roughly 20 pounds (actually 17 but I like round numbers) left to loose.  I will be reusing Excess Body Weight % Lost Calculator the I shared in a previous post. this was an amazing tool that I learned from a fellow bariatric patient and bloger at her website Bariatric Foodie.  I hope one day to get my blog to look as amazing as hers but the important thing is that I have fun along the way.
  • Continue BariatricChris:  As we got into fall and the holiday seasons in 2015 I broke away from working on the blog.  Its time to get back on track with that.  This means more post, more recipes, and a few more ideas I have been working on!
New Tool For 2016:

  • Skulpt Aim: Towards the end of 2015 my weight was starting to plateau but there were still changes going on because I was still moving into smaller clothes.  I was lucky enough to receive a Skulpt Aim for Christmas.  This awesome little tool uses sensors to accurately track the fat% as well as the muscle quality.  I look forward to using this tool to keep closer track on whats actually happening in my body as I continue to change.  You can learn more about the Skulpt Aim here.