Friday, May 29, 2015

Excess Body Weight % Lost Calculator: A Great Way To Look At Progress

Ok so I just learned an awesome tool today that I just had to share.

     For anyone struggling to loose weight the scale can sometimes be our most feared thing.  This tool allows you to look at your progress in the way of percentage of progress and not number of pounds lost.  Total props go to Nik at Bariatric Foodie for sharing this on her Facebook page.  Her original post on Facebook can be found here.   Make sure you check out her website and Facebook page.  When I was preparing for my WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) I found her page very helpful and full of inspiration!

So here is how you calculate your Excess Body Weight % Lost:
  1.  First you need to figure out your initial excess body weight.  To do this take your starting weight and subtract your your goal weight.  The number left is your is your Excess Body Weight (or EBW).
  2. Using this Percentage Calculator go to the2nd row (that says ___ is what % of ___). In the first box put the amount of weight you have lost to date. In the second box put your EBW.
  3. Press "calculate." The number that appears is the percentage of your excess body weight that you've lost.

So for example:
  • My starting weight before surgery was 397 and my goal is to get to 190. This will put me within the normal weight range and BMI (Body Mass Index) for a man of my height according to the CDC.  You can learn more about calculating your BMI using the CDC's BMI calculator here
  • So my initial EBW is 207.
  • I have, as of today, lost 149 pounds since my heaviest weight 10 days before I had WLS.
  • So according to the calculator 149 pounds lost is 72% of my initial EBW of 207.  

So I am at 72% of my goal.  THATS AMAZING!!!
I think this is a great way of looking at your progress instead of focusing on just how many pounds you have lost.  I know from my previous weight loss attempts it would become rather depressing to think of how much weight you want/need to loose vs how few pounds you think you have lost.  Thanks again Nik for sharing this tool.  I look forward to using it more in the future!

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