Thursday, February 11, 2016

Products I Like: Atkins Lift Protein Drink

     The other day at work I walked past the protein and diet snacks and spotted something new. Atkins has a new line of protein drinks that come in Orange, Lemon, and Berry. I picked up a case of four of the lemon to check out. 
     I was worried that it would remind me too much of Isopure which is a protein beverage that I actually liked the taste of pre-surgery but ended up not being able to stand the taste of post-surgery. I brought one with me to lunch today and I was pleasantly surprised. The first few sips gave you that taste that reminds you that it is definitely a protein drink and not a regular beverage. But I was rather surprised with it. 
     Each bottle is only 100 calories, 1 G Carbs, & 20 G Protein. This is good because my goal and dietary needs is to keep my daily protein intake between 80 & 120 grams per day. I think I will definitely be adding this to my Arsenal!  

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