Friday, August 7, 2015

Weigh In Day - Stick With One!

     So today was weigh in day. Since surgery I picked Friday to be the day that I step on the scale to see what my progress was regarding my weight-loss.  This past week things got a little mixed up and it reminded me of a very important lesson.

     Last week I stepped on the scale on Wednesday instead of Friday and used that number as my update.  A few days later I decided after going for a 16 mile bike ride to step on the scale and was immediately surprised to learn that I had lost four more pounds since stepping on the scale on Wednesday.  Then this morning I stepped on the scale and learned that I had actually gained 2 pounds back.  At first this kind of depressed me because this is the first time I had gained weight back since my surgery.  It wasn't until I looked at the recorded dates and amounts of my weight loss that are realize that I actually lost 2 pounds since last week regardless of the fact that my we had gone down and back up.

     This reminded me of how important it is to pick one date as your weigh in day and stick with that day because your weight can constantly fluctuate due to all kinds of things.  It is also important to pick a common time and stick with it.  So for example I have decided that Friday mornings before I get dressed for work is the perfect time for me to step on the scale and get an update on my weight-loss progress.  This way I am able to use a common point to monitor my progress.

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